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Website redesign

Yoga with Di mockup on desktop and mobile application
Branding and responsive website redesign
UX/UI Designer
80+ hours
Figma, Google Doc, Google Sheets, Zoom, Whimsical, Maze


Diana Salvador is a yoga practitioner with over 10+ years of personal practice. Di completed her teacher training 3 years ago and resides in Rocakway Beach, NY. Diana specializes in Vinyasa and sees wellness as a long-term priority. She connects movement, breathe, and the mind to sync the body back into alignment.  Diana is ready to update the Yoga with Di website utilizings a modern approach to help showcase her offerings and make her website more accessible.


As Yoga with Di continues to develop their offerings and practices, they find themselves lacking a consistent and streamlined design. Diana recognizes that many of her clients book her classes on their mobile device and while her site is accessible, it is not responsive. Their website redesign aims to provide a more cohesive approach to their style and branding while maintaining a responsive design.


Design a modern responsive website for Yoga with Di with a minimalistic and welcoming style that matches their branding.
View prototype
Multiple Yoga with Di website screens.

Competitive Analysis

To better understand the business of yoga studios and online fitness platforms, market research and competitive analysis is performed. Comparing successful competitor websites gave me a basic understanding of the current trends and features to focus on implementing into my client’s website.
Competitive analysis chart for Yoga with Di


  • VIRTUAL + IN-PERSON: Attendance in virtual classes is increasing each week, but many feel in-person classes are better for their mental health than a digital routine at home
  • EASY TO USE:  Ease of use is important, no information overload, needs to have clean UI and easy to use.
  • FEATURES: Being able to book directly on the site and having an simple booking process is key.


Both remote and in-person user interviews were conducted to gain insight into the thoughts and personal experiences of booking yoga classes online. The goal of user interviews in this early stage of research is to find out what users really want, need, and dislike in the process.

WANts and needs

  • 50% of users practice yoga weekly
  • 56% of participants book fitness classes through their phone’s web browser
  • Word of mouth is the most effective way to find new yoga or fitness classes
  • Participants mention the importance of websites providing information such as reviews, location and pricing

Pain points

  • Users experience too many steps when booking a yoga or fitness class
  • Participants mention the class or instructor not being what they were expecting
  • Pricing can be a factor in determining if a user will or will not book a class

The data from the research shows that users prefer to book their yoga and fitness classes online, with a strong majority of the time through mobile web browser. The general purpose of visiting yoga studio or practitioner websites is to find more details to make their decision such as services offered, class schedules, images and pricing. General frustrations come from not finding a class or instructor in their budget or one that they resonate with, and information not being readily available.



Who exactly was I designing for? I needed to create a user persona to help me define my audience. Meet Laura, she is a fun, adventurous woman who is looking to incorporate more yoga into her life.
User persona charti
View wireframes


This step was a powerful way to give visuals to the product. Utilizing references for inspiration and motivation, a mood board was created as a way to give users and stakeholders agreement and validation of what was themes were discussed. I used Pinterest to gather images and inspiration for text, color schemes, icons, and imagery.
Yoga with Di mood board


The style tile was designed to keep the website’s branding cohesive. The signature peach and blue color palettes create a soft primary/secondary combination. A modern san serif font, Loew was chosen to keep the website looking clean and inviting.
Yoga with Di style guide


After finishing the prototype, all design components are kept on the UI KIT. All details such as color palette, fonts, header styles, buttons, logos, to pop up modals and input forms were included for easy hand off.
Yoga with Di UI kit


Testing was conducted remotely by 12 testers using app. Following the usability testing plan, we first instruct the testers of their task and then observe to gather data.


  • Users are able to complete assigned tasks with little to no friction
  • User is able to navigate the prototype easily
  • Understand the user’s thought process as they navigate the website
  • Find potential struggle and confusion points that may occur during the process


  • 100% completion rate of prototype
  • 4.5/5 score on easy navigation
  • 4.8/5 on trustworthiness of site
  • A few users noted confusion in the prototype since not fully functional
  • A few users wished for a “Book a private” button rather than having to contact Yoga with Di to inquire about privates.

Overall, participants were able to complete the assigned task and many particularly enjoyed viewing the website. Some of the users experienced confusion involving the book a private task and mentioned a button would be more effective than the contact form, and this came up consistently enough during testing to warrant priority for changes.



During this project, I discovered the need to implement more testing and iteration after design. The importance of all types of user feedback helped to point the prototype in a more user-centric direction. That being said, I would have liked to test my design and prototype more extensively.

If given more time and resources to complete the project again, I would do more usability testing and iterations for a better end product.
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Yoga with Di Home Screen mockup