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Open screens of Learn Crypto app
End to end application
UX/UI Designer, Research, Prototyping,
Usability Testing, 3D Illustration
Figma, Google Doc, Google Sheets,
Zoom, Whimsical, Maze
6 weeks


Cryptocurrency, blockchain and web3 are complex topics. Learning about them is often hard, time consuming, and often feels like “going down a rabbit hole”. It’s difficult to know where to start, can get overwhelming, and many times the information is lengthy and dense. Learn Crypto was designed to fix that.

Learn Crypto is an app that allows its users to learn about crypto in an easy to understand format while earning crypto as they learn.


How might we design a mobile application that effectively engages, incentivizes, and makes the process of learning about cryptocurrency accessible to a diverse audience?

Goals + Objectives

With this project, I wanted to explore how to design a mobile app that engages, incentivizes, and makes the process of learning about cryptocurrency accessible to a diverse audience.
View prototype
Learn Crypto mock up screens
Performing competitive analysis was crucial for me to gain a thorough understanding of competitors features, information presentation, and to identify ways in which Learn Crypto can distinguish itself in the market.
Competitive analysis chart


    Competitors offer a fairly similar product. 4/5 competitors use a blue/white color scheme.
    Is this color scheme appealing to users or a cautious design decision? 
    Users want quick, easy, digestible information. Too much information and too many features can feel overwhelming and cluttered.
    Most of the competitors user flow is similar. Read, quiz, reward. How can we change up this experience? 
    Only 6% of women have invested in cryptocurrency and related industries, this sheds light on the demographic inequities that exist within this industry, which underscores a scope for growth and development.
This prompts the question of how we can educate and inform more individuals from underrepresented demographics, such as women, people of color, and those who are relatively new to technology.


I conducted user interviews remotely to gain insight into the thoughts about cryptocurrency and users experiences learning about cryptocurrencies. My goal for user interviews in this early stage of research was to dig a bit deeper into what users really want, need, and dislike in the process.


  • Learning about cryptocurrency is a priority for most participants
  • All particpants want quick, easy to understand, digestible information
  • Low risk opportunities foster participation in this space
  • Resources that can share with friends/family


  • Information overload, too much information feels overwhelming
  • Not knowing where to start
  • Not knowing what resources are trustworthy
  • A few participants mentioned not having the expendible income to invest
User persona
Based off of findings from user interviews, I was able to identify the ideal user for Learn Crypto. This also helped to create a visual of who I was designing for, allowed me to keep their wants and needs in mind and truly focus of the core tasks and flows when scope creep, creeped up :) 

Finding my focus

I had a lot of ideas starting out, creating an app map, user, and task flows helped me realize where to focus my attention.

What I did:

  • App map
  • User flows
  • Task flows
  • Hand sketches
By doing a sprint of sketches, I'm able to cycle out as many ideas as possible by hand of how the app might look and how the user might interact with the application. This helps me refine the design and identify components I'd like to work on.
Iteration is a big part of my design process. From each repetition or exploration of the design that I do, I learn something that I can use for the next iteration and will end up in the final product.

Main dashboard

  • Home page: active lessons, recommended topics, related suggestions
  • Discover: users can search topics and categories based on interest
  • Wallet: users earned crypto (assets), learn about wallets and wallet safety
  • Profile: user profile, settings, help, information about the app

Quiz sequence

  • Creating easy to understand, bite-size pieces of information was crucial to addressing user needs
  • Quiz overview shows how many lessons are within a particular topic and estimated time to complete each lesson
  • The quiz will gently nudge the user to the correct answer or allow them to proceed to the next lesson within the topic
I conducted moderated testing remotely with 10 testers using app and zoom. Many of the users were also users I interviewed or surveyed at the beginning of my project. I gave an overview of the project and explained the tasks to the testers, then observed their behavior to gather data. I intermittently asked questions and recorded comments made by each tester. I then had conversations with each tester after the tasks were completed to gain insight on their thoughts and feelings.


  • Complete onboarding process
  • Save the Bitcoin lesson to your collections
  • Complete a lesson about Stellar Lumens


  • 100% completion rate of prototype
  • 100% showed excitement for the app
  • 80% agreed the tasks were quick and simple
  • 50% asked if the app was quiz only, and suggested adding in other games/puzzles

NExt Steps

If this project were a collaborative effort, my next steps would involve convening with the team to review and discuss findings from testing, ensuring that our objectives and expected outcomes are still in alignment, and work to create a plan to prioritize and implement necessary revisions.

additional revisions

  •  I would prioritize the inclusion of puzzles, games, and other interactive features to enhance user engagement.
  • To enhance accessibility for our user base, I would propose the inclusion of a light mode version in the next iteration as well.
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